¡DATZ Liquidity! 🤑💰

¡DATZ Liquidity! 🤑💰

🐤 How are you my dear, welcome to a new class and you will wonder what will there be for today? Well, it is clear to many that DATZ is included in CC TIP EXCHANGE, so today we will talk a little on how to add liquidity to the currency, The Revolution Begins!

💞 One of the big questions that many users have asked is Are we in an Exchange? And my answer to give them is yes! We are in the wonderful exchange house of CC TIP EXCHANGE there you will find our token included.

 ¡A Small Thought for a Big Project! 🎭🥇

¡A Small Thought for a Big Project! 🎭🥇

👀 How about my dear chickens 🐤 today we will tell you a little about how this great project started, highlighting different themes to vary, I think in my opinion that everything can be done here on planet earth, unless you are from Mars! So without further ado, let's get started!



🌙 Well we begin, this class with a somewhat peculiar title, since we talked about this topic in past chapters, but the idea has been so great, that I have to dedicate its own article to it el, so today be prepared since we will be talking about DATZ to the Moon! 🐤 Let's get started!

💠 Actually, this topic seems somewhat tight and has little to talk about, but in reality, it has vast content and a plan that seems to be one of the best so far. The idea in general came from the kind users of the communities and the impression was so great that we decided to take it into account.

¡Chickens on the Run! 👮‍♂️🚨

¡Chickens on the Run! 👮‍♂️🚨

👋 Hello, how are you, okay? Only the title says it. Chickens Escaping? It may seem a bit far-fetched to you, but one day we had to talk about this topic! 🙄😪, it may be something annoying, but it has to be remembered if you want to learn and pass the class at the end of the year, today we will talk about the behavior on our servers, rules, and the famous prison, so take your pencil and take note.

¡A little more about our Staff! 😃✨

¡A little more about our Staff! 😃✨

How are my dear chickens 🐥 in the last class we talked a little about the CEO of this great project of course Besides having a cat 😼! We have a highly qualified team who are the best, in terms of business it is about so in today's class we will talk about the CMO and CSO of this project 👨‍💻

¿Where are you Neko? 👨‍💼💼

¿Where are you Neko? 👨‍💼💼

🤔 Well my dear chickens, have you ever wondered? Who is the director of this project? Well today we will talk a little about him, since very little is known, and these days he has been very absent. Maybe it is because he is a very busy man? or maybe he keeps sleeping? Who knows is a cat after all, so today we will talk a little about this particular topic and refresh knowledge of the last class, so my dear chickens let's start.

¡Drawings! 📜✏️

¡Drawings! 📜✏️

📜 Well, it has happened to many of us that we have a project but really, this is great, for today's class I don't know how to really explain it, maybe I could leave a couple of drawings while I explain, I still don't know, but my dear chickens Get ready because because today's class will talk about the DATZ drawings and we will explain a little about the coin, we will also be explaining a little from our point of view, how you can do it. As I always tell you! Let's get started! 😼



🧶🎠Hey you who are reading, have you ever wondered does ¿DATZ have MEMES? the answer you are looking for is ¡YES! we have entertaining MEMES that distort reality and make TOKEN a little more fun Remember! DATZ relies on games for the entertainment of users. So today my dear chickens we will talk about the Different MEMES and how to create them so prepare yourself that in today's class we will make you laugh out loud. ¡Let's start!

Our SLP Technology 📡👑

Our SLP Technology 📡👑

👋 Hello, how are you? Today I wanted to congratulate the classroom since I must admit that you have paid a lot of attention to the classes so today, it is a day off !, but before that we will review all the content of the 4 previous classes and we will remember important points of the topics covered these days, I remind you that if you want to be a good Chicken of the class, you are in the right place. Let's start!

¡Games! 🎲🎉

¡Games! 🎲🎉

✨I know that it has happened to many of us that we are bored with nothing to do on the servers that we distribute DATZ, and they will wonder, what am I doing there?

What do i have to do to earn DATZ? Well in this activity we will give you the information of the Games and Trivia that are carried out on our distribution servers so that your entertainment has no end 🎉🎡

¡Wallets! 📌💰

¡Wallets! 📌💰

🎉 All of us who have been in this world of Cryptocurrencies for a long time know that to store our Coins or Token's we need a wallet safe but you wonder does DATZ have a secure wallet? and the answer to that my friend is ¡YES! Keep reading this lesson to find out about the wallets that are used to store your wonderful and valuable DATZ

¡General Rules for a Server!  👮🏻‍♂️👏

¡General Rules for a Server! 👮🏻‍♂️👏

It has happened to many of us and do not say no 😯, that when we get to a new server there is always a section of rules and there are always billions of translations or even bots that give you the rules 👮‍♂️👀 or personal from the server that reminds you, so today in addition to reviewing the previous class, we are going to see some of the rules that we use daily so that our hen house is not a mess.

¡DATZ and its Distribution! 🕵️‍♂️🧚‍♀️

¡DATZ and its Distribution! 🕵️‍♂️🧚‍♀️


🤴 Hey, ¡how are you? ¡Thank you for reading this article! ¡Put Play!

DATZ is freely distributed through games, contests, giveaways, and airdrops. Apart from that, DATZ had the unique distinction from the beginning in: free coin distribution through innovative games and community. One of the highest goals of DATZ's continued free distribution has always been (and still is) to maintain a fair distribution. Unfortunately, there have been attempts to bot and exploit the DATZ taps all the time. In addition to the rains and tips on our Discord server and lots of tips also via tipbots on our subreddit, Twitter account and telegram group, many often innovative events have been held to continue the free distribution and fair in progress. including various contests and giveaways focused on fun and creativity. It should be noted that official and unofficial contests and games are an integral part of the DATZ ecosystem.  

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